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Shanxi to set up 77 copyright workstations in universities and colleges

According to the press release for Shanxi IPR Week, the province will take every measure to increase the public's awareness on IPR protection from April 20 to 26. Meanwhile, the first copyright workstation will also open in Shanxi and the department of public security will take centralized actions against IPR infringements.

"The propaganda for copyright protection will mainly target print media, universities and colleges, and copyright workstations are going to be set up in all newspapers, magazines, publishing houses and universities and colleges," introduced Director of copyright department of the provincial copyright bureau Ji Ping. On April 20, the first working station will be set up in Taiyuan University of Technology and the other stations will be set up in succession.

"After the operation, the workstations will help transform the S&T achievements by teachers and students through media, promotion, marketing and other ways," Said Ji.
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