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High-level IPR forum opens in Beijing

Watchdogs and CEOs have met at a nationwide forum in China's capital city to discuss the protection of intellectual property rights. Government officials and business leaders at the forum agree that the world IPR sector should help balance conflicts of interest between the developed world and developing nations.

Participants agree that since all countries are unique, it would be fair to allow them to set up their own IPR mechanisms based on their stage of development. Latest figures show that IPR applications in China have totaled over 6 million. More than half have already been approved for registration. Officials say strengthening protection has always been their main aim. Although there are still many challenges in the industry, all countries should be working together to help the sector to deal with changes in the external environment.

Tian Lipu, the director of state intellectual property office, says, "First, IPR protection should be used on the right targets with the appropriate forces and mechanisms. Secondly, they should also consider the interests of IPR holders and benefits of the whole of society. We have to accomplish all these in order to make intellectual property a true economic accelerator."
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