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Trademark-related cases increased

In recent years, judicial cases over trademark in China kept increasing, said Xia Junli, Chief Justice of IPR Tribunal of the Supreme People's Court at 2010 China IPR Summit Forum.

In 2009, the courts in the nation received 6906 pieces of trademark-related civil cases of first instance, increasing by 10.8% compared with 2008 and up 79.1% compared with 2007; the trademark-related administrative cases of first instance heard in the courts were 392 pieces in 2007, 484 pieces in 2008, while in 2009, the number hit 1,376 pieces, rising by 284.3% compared with 2008.

To intensify trademark protection, from 2007 to 2009, the courts across China received 648 pieces of interlocutory measures, among which interlocutory injunctions were 262 pieces, pre-trial evidence preservations were 203 pieces and pre-trial property preservations were 183 pieces.

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