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MOST: national indigenous innovative products determination to start

Cao Jianlin, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, expressed on May 24 that Chinese relevant department would start the determination work of national indigenous innovative products recently. All the Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises in China were welcomed.

At the press release, Cao Jianlin told the reporters that considering some nations and foreign enterprises showed great care to the trademarks and application time set in the notice on determining national indigenous innovative products in 2009, China adjusted and bettered the notice this year. After fully soliciting opinions from the public, the notice this year almost solved the issues concerned and embodied the principle of non-discrimination, market-based orientation and IPR protection.

Cao Jianlin stressed, determining national indigenous innovative products is a long term work and an important part in China’s indigenous innovative policy. In the future, such application can be filed all the year round and determined regularly.

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