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China bets on state-led scientific research system to shift economy

BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhua) -- Chinese government has renewed and strengthened its leadership policy of scientific research programs, which observers say is an essential move to increase the country's innovative capacity.

The State Council, or Cabinet, issued a guideline for further economic reform early this week, which said the "state-led mechanism for technological innovations" would be strengthened.

Although the guideline did not give details, science and technology policy researchers saw this as the state's fresh commitment to major scientific research projects such as manned space missions and the development of large passenger aircraft.

"The state-led system was reaffirmed mainly for the government's 16 major scientific research projects," Duan Yibing, a Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher of science and technology policy and management, told Xinhua Thursday.

The government announced the launch of 16 major scientific research projects in 2006, including manned space missions, the next generation broadband wireless communications network, large-scale pressurized-water-reactor nuclear power stations and finding cures for AIDS and viral hepatitis.

"Because China is still relatively backward in science and technology research and the investment remains insufficient, the state's full support is key to some key projects," said Mei Yonghong, director of policy and regulation department with Ministry of Science and Technology.

The state-led system was adopted by Chinese government just after the founding of the People's Republic in 1950s. Limited human and material resources were then directed towards some highly classified research projects that single organization could not handle, such as nuclear and satellite system projects.

Initially the government introduced the policy as everything was government controlled then, and it was a good way to mobilize people and material resources quickly, Duan said.

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