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Chinese domain name to be in use in July

Chinese domain name to be in use in July
IPR in China      2010-06-01 11:12:08

From July on, Chinese domain name (.中国) will be included in the global root name system, and all the netizens around the world could visit the website by typing Chinese domain name. However, it is recently found by reporters that the Chinese domain names for some famous enterprises in Quanzhou, Fujian Province have been cybersquatted.

According to the random inquiry for 20 listed companies on May 30, reporters found that most of them encountered the cybersquatting. Besides, it is found that some time-honored brands of Quanzhou were also cybersquatted including 春生堂 (Chunshengtang) which was registered in 2005 for 10 years' period.

Xu, a worker in a domain name agency told the reporter that, at present, it seems that the market for Chinese domain name is much better than that for the English domain name. Many domain name agencies other than individuals also attached themselves to the cybersquatting and the trading of domain name, said Xu.

A principal for a shoe enterprise in Quanzhou indifferently expressed that, the effects of the cybersquatting of the Chinese domain name on it was little, and only by sending foreign customs the English domain name for their website could let the enterprise be found. Several other operators interviewed also delivered the same indifference.

It is introduced that, among enterprises, domain name are regarded as the "online trademark" or "online doorplate"; the domain name is unique, just the same with intellectual properties, thus enterprises must have advanced awareness on protection.

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