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Shaanxi: Xi'an to build innovation-based city

This year, Xi'an, the capital city of Shaanxi Province will invest 18 billion yuan into scientific research and experiments and let the technical market turnover reach 26 billion yuan. And patent filings are expected to arrive at 30,000 and the output value of hi-tech industries is estimated to outnumber 200 billion yuan. The following 6 tasks will be stressed in 2012.

First, improve the co-ordination capability of S&T market

The city will facilitate technological achievements transactions and make the equipments shared in a wide range. The role of integrated services hubs will be strengthened.

Second, support the innovation and development of industrial economy

Xi'an plans to conduct a group of key programs to support industrial development. One hundred key S&T innovation and industrialization programs will be carried out and over 20 main industrialization projects in strategic emerging industry fields will be implemented. Enterprises' dominant position in technological innovation will be further highlighted. 70% of the technology R&D funding at city level will be used to guide enterprises to make technology innovation. 1,000 scientific and technological personnel from universities will be encouraged to serve enterprises and 100 scaled enterprises’ technical problems will be tackled. The S&T parks' industrial carrying capability will be raised and the increase of output value of hi-tech industries in the main S&T industrial parks will remain 30% or more within this year.

Third, enhance innovation on agriculture and people's livelihood

The city will enhance the construction of agricultural S&T innovation demonstration zones. This year, 30 common key technical puzzles will be tackled and 50 new plant varieties will be fostered. Besides, service system will be consummated to support urban and rural development. Social undertakings will be boosted up by S&T innovation.

Fourth, quicken the innovation and development of modern service industry

Xi'an will implement technological and cultural integration projects, accelerate the development of S&T service industry and promote the development of modern logistics industry.

Fifth, deepen the cooperation between S&T companies and financial agencies.

Xi'an City will innovate on investment mode, strengthen the cooperation between scientific enterprises and banks and guarantors and guide banks to provide different loan services. Moreover, the city will also strengthen the construction of venture capital alliance and encourage businesses to get financed by listing.

Sixth, impel S&T system innovation

The city will better enterprise-led technological innovation system and guide distributed resources to industrial chains, promote the changes to S&T mechanism and reform S&T management.
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