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PCT applications handled by SIPO up 14%

In 2012, the State Intellectual Property Office received 19,926 patent applications filed under PCT, up 14.0% on a year-on-year basis, in which 18,145 were filed by domestic applicants, accounting for 91.1% and up 12.8%, 1,781 were submitted by foreign filers, up 28.7%. Experts said that the quick growth of PCT applications indicated that a consensus had been reached among enterprises in China that creating more indigenous innovations could help enhance international competitive edge.

The fast growth of applications under PCT resulted from the significant increase of innovative capacities and IP protection awareness of enterprises, said Li Shunde from Chinese Academy of Science.

Another staff from the same institute attributed the growth also to a series of measures taken by the Chinese government and the efforts exerted by local enterprises.

Patent applications under PCT exceeded 100 in 16 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in 2012, in which, Guangdong took 9,211, ranking the first place, which was followed by Beijing (2,705), Shanghai (1,024), Jiangsu (915), Zhejiang (639), Shandong (531), Hunan (448), Taiwan (370), Tianjin (304), Fujian (266) among others. Statistics from the SIPO also showed that provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) with stronger economic strength and more innovative enterprises performed better in this regard, such as Guangdong which owned two technical giants ZTE and Huawei.

At last, Li emphasized that enterprises played a key role in future market competition. Therefore, in the process of “going-out”, it was of great significance for them to be duly informed of the updated regulations on international patent protection and to seek protection by filing applications under PCT.
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