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Mainland, HK Sign Patent Deal

As part of the efforts to implement the original grant patent (OGP) system in Hong

Kong, the Intellectual Property Department (IPD) of the Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region Government and the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)

signed the Cooperation Arrangement in the Area of Patent here Friday.

The Commissioner of the SIPO, Tian Lipu, and the Director of the IPD, Peter Cheung,

signed the document.

Under the arrangement, the SIPO will provide technical assistance and support to

the IPD for substantive examination of patent applications and the training of


Hong Kong's Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Gregory So said: "The

signing of the arrangement marks a significant milestone in our efforts in

implementing the OGP system in Hong Kong. It bears strategic significance in

facilitating the development of Hong Kong into a regional innovation and technology

hub, as well as a premier IP trading hub. "

"The SIPO has extensive technical expertise and experience in substantive

examination of patent applications and manpower training. Its preeminence has been

demonstrated by its top position in the world for patent applications received.

With the strong backing of the SIPO, we will work together and take a giant step

towards our goal of operating an OGP system in Hong Kong," he added.

Tian said, "after years of hard work, Hong Kong has acquired outstanding

achievement and goodwill in the area of intellectual property. Looking ahead, we

are prepared to continue joining hands with the relevant departments of the HKSARG

to further promote the implementation of all the clauses under the Arrangement, so

as to bring greater benefits to the economic development and social prosperity of

both the Mainland and Hong Kong."

Upon accepting the strategic recommendations made by the Advisory Committee on

Review of the Patent System in Hong Kong, the government announced in February 2013

the future positioning of Hong Kong's patent system, including setting up an OGP

system whilst retaining the current re-registration system for the granting of

standard patents.

The IPD is intensively engaging in other necessary tasks for setting up the

requisite infrastructure with a view to implementing the new patent system in 2016

-17, subject to the progress of legislative and other preparatory work.

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