2013 China IPR Overseas Exchanges held in U.S. |
A one-day 2013 China Intellectual Property Overseas Exchanges was held in Washington D.C on December 5, which was attended by IPR attaché at the Chinese Embassy in Washington Chen Fuli and attorney-adviser of United States Patent and Trademark Office Mark Cohen. "This is the third time that the Chinese government holds exchanges event like this in the U.S.," introduced by Chen when addressing the meeting, "which reveals the great attention paid by China on IPR exchanges with the U.S., especially as intellectual property has become a key topic in business and trade between the two countries." "The Chinese government is willing to deepen communication and cooperation with the U.S. and all the other economies in the world on the basis of equality, mutual respect, openness and frankness," he added. Mr. Cohen also stressed on the importance attached by the U.S. to the event, which, according to him, could partly be proved by the active participation of U.S. stakeholders from governmental, industrial and academic institutions. As Cohen stated, the U.S. applauds the Chinese government for its achievements made in IPR protection, and will continue to work with China to enhance communication via the established bilateral consultation mechanism and regular dialogues. The event was attended by nearly 100 participants, including officials from China's Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorates, the national office on combating IP infringement and counterfeit, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, State Administration for Industry of Commerce, State Intellectual Property Office and National Copyright Administration as well as the Office of U.S. Trade Representative, together with representatives from enterprises and research institutions of both sides. As the third annual activity of its kind since China's Ministry of Commerce launched the exchange program in 2011, the event was designed to further the understanding of foreign stakeholders about Chinese IPR regime, promote China's progress on IPR protection and contribute to a favorable environment for international cooperation in this vital sector. |
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