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IP forum organized by Mofcom

A forum on foreign trade related intellectual property was held by China's Ministry of Commerce (Mofcom) on November 28 in Beijing.

IP issues, as Deputy Director General of the Department of Treaty and Law of Mofcom Yang Guohua noted when addressing the meeting, constitute a substantial part (nearly a half) in the overall trade disputes between China and the U.S.. "Therefore, it is of great significance for us to exchange opinions on foreign trade related intellectual properties at current stage," said Yang.

Entitled "IP in International Trade: Situation, Development and Participation", this year's forum was actually the third of its kind since 2011. As one of the speakers, Ji Wenhua, Deputy Director of IP Division under the Department of Treaty and Law, stressed after analyzing in detail the international IP situation in his presentation, IP protection has been a notion recognized by almost all the countries in the world, while China has also brought forward a policy to stir economic development via innovation, to be more concrete, through implementation of IP strategies and enhancement of IP utilization and protection.

IP issues in China have not only become a key concern of developed economies such as the U.S., EU and Japan, but also aroused attention of some emerging countries. Professor Zhang Naigen of Fudan Universtiy provided an in-depth analysis of this situation in his speech, which was followed by presentations by Director Li Qunying from
General Administration of Customs and Director Liu Yang from the State Intellectual Property Office, respectively illustrating IP issues in import and export as well as the implementation progress of China's national IP strategies.

The forum was attended by more than 120 persons, including people from central governmental authorities, provincial departments of commerce as well as industry experts and scholars. [Chinese version is available on]

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