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Hunan: Changsha IPR Tribunal enters campus

Lately, the case that Rock Records Co., Ltd. sued three appellees for copyright infringement was heard in the circuit court at Central South University, which is one of the serial activities conducted by Changsha Municipal IP Office, Central South University and the People's Court of Yuelu District for 2010 IPR Publicity Week.

At the court, the judges prudently launched investigation in accordance with legal procedures. The two parties and their attorneys made heated debate upon on whether copyright infringement existed in the case and who should bear the compensation obligation. The member of Party Group of Changsha Municipal IP Office Xiong Li, Chief Justice of the People's Court of Yuelu District Zhou Yibin, President of the Law School of Central South University Jiang Jianxiang and hundreds of teachers and students from Central South University audited the hearing at the spot. The court hearing lasted five and a half hours. Due to the big discrepancy between the two parties and the complication of the case, the circuit court declared to adjudge the case again at a selected time.

The trial in campus played a model role in publicizing and popularizing IPR protection and was of great significance in promoting IPR talent cultivation, enhancing IPR innovation and publicizing IPR culture. Changsha Municipal IP Office will take this as jumping-off point to develop IPR publicity activities.

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