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Sichuan destroys over 2 million pieces pirates

Sichuan destroys over 2 million pieces pirates

On April 12, Sichuan held a ceremony for the destroying of pirates in Chengdu. It is learnt that, the province will destroy over 2 million pieces of pirates and illegal publications captured in the anti-piracy and anti-pornographic and illegal publications activities undertaken by departments of press and publication, copyright, culture, public security and so on. There are more than 1.72 million pirated and illegal audio video products and over 280,000 pirated and illegal books and periodicals.

At the ceremony, student representatives from Shuangnan Campus School in Chengdu proposed for anti-piracy and protection by ourselves, and governmental leaders, representatives for all circles signed to show their decision on anti-pornographic and illegal publication. Besides, working group for the anti-pornographic and illegal publications and principals of all member departments, some of the national officials in Chengdu, law enforcers and representatives for all walks attended the activity, more than 500 people in total.

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