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Opinions solicited for independent innovation product recognition work

The Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance solicited opinions via Internet on the recognition of independent innovation products.

According to the 2010 Opinion Soliciting Draft, national independent innovation products should meet six requirements. First, the products should accord with national laws and regulations as well as related policies; second, the applicant should own the intellectual property right or the usufruct of the intellectual property right over the R&D products in China in accordance with laws and regulations no matter whether the applicant independently researches the IPR or receives it from others, and there should be no disputes over the IPR; third, the applicant must have the exclusive right or the usufruct of the registered trademark of the product in China in accordance with laws and regulations; fourth, the technologies contained in the product should be advanced, the new product should have obvious improvement in energy saving, efficiency and pollution reduction, or the product has material betterment in the structure, material and technics; fifth, the quality of the product should be reliable, if the product belongs to special industry, the product must have production license issued by the department in charge, and the product must pass the cognizance if it is compulsory recognition product; sixth, the product should have been sold in the market or have potential market foreground.

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