Chinese Vice Premier: focusing on crackdown upon counterfeit and inferior products affecting people’s livelihood |
Chinese Vice Premier and Head of the National Leading Group Against IPR Violation and Counterfeit and Inferior Products Wang Qishan chaired a meeting in Beijing on October 9, deploying the work in the fourth quarter on curbing infringement and counterfeit and promoting the use of legal software in governmental departments. Wang stressed that fighting against counterfeit and inferior products would confer benefits on the people and local authorities must continue to crack down upon infringement and counterfeit relating to livelihood issues. Wang Qishan pointed out that since the very beginning of this year, competent authorities had investigated and ended a group of serious cases involving key products concerning people’s livelihood in key areas though the launch of special campaigns. The convergence mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice was greatly improved, the revision work of relevant laws and regulations were actively pushed forward and the long-term mechanism against infringement and counterfeit was also bettered. The software legalization work in province-level governmental departments was accomplished on time and the system on software asset management, budget and audit and supervision was improved, too. The achievements made during the campaigns against infringement and counterfeit were confirmed by the people and international community. However, the situation on fighting against offenders was still grim and all the competent authorities should redouble efforts on such work. Wang Qishan emphasized that in the fourth quarter of the year, the main work was to target counterfeit and inferior medicine, traditional Chinese medical materials, medical appliances, building materials, mandatory certification products, fertilizer, pesticide and seeds. Moreover, Chinese authorities would continue to combat trademark infringement and counterfeit, particularly imitating the special names, package and decoration of famous commodities, copyright and patent infringement as well as the sales of counterfeit on the Internet. It is also a must to consolidate the software legalization results in central and provincial governmental departments and redouble efforts on the software legalization work in city- and county-level governmental departments. The software legalization in central enterprises and state-owned financial agencies should be promoted, too. Wang Qishan pointed out that the work against infringement and counterfeit was a task in a historical period. It is necessary to work out gradual goal and radical measures to maintain normal market order. Wang Qishan asked competent authorities to enhance publicity, explore typical cases and popularize outstanding enterprises with good faith, integrating the crackdown of IPR violation and counterfeit and inferior products into the improvement of people’s livelihood, the maintenance of consumers’ legitimate rights and the creation of innovative environment. [Chinese version is available on gov.cn] |
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