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China: applications for new variety right of plant exceeded 10,000

As of November 2, the applications for new variety right of plant in China had outnumbered 10,000 pieces and reached the goal in Agricultural IP Strategy Outline three years earlier. And China scrambled into the first two ranks in annual applications among the members of International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).

On November 15, the inspector of the Science and Technology Education Department under the Ministry of Agriculture Shi Yanquan delivered that China’s 10,000 pieces of applications for new variety right of plant resulted from the great attention of MOA leaders to agricultural IP work and their support to breeding innovation, the efforts of agricultural IP practitioners and breeders and the implementation of national IP strategy and agricultural IP strategy outline. As an agricultural IP lead department, the Science and Technology Education Department of the Ministry of Agriculture will take IP as a link to promote the staff fusion of products, study, research and use and raise the ability of agriculture-related agencies in obtaining, using and safeguarding IP.

According to Vice Director of the Seed Authority under the Ministry of Agriculture Ma Shuping, since the year 1999 when China issued Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Protection of New Varieties of Plants and joined UPOV, the country made notable achievements in the protection of new varieties of plants, particularly in the past five years, the applications for new variety rights of plants reached 5,610, accounting for 56% of the total number 10,000; grants hit 2,477, taking up 64% of the gross 3880.

Ma Shuping pointed out that through the rapid increase of the applications for new variety rights of plants in China, the homogenization of the applications and granted varieties and international competitiveness was in serious shortage. The applications for flower, vegetable and fruit tree variety rights were less. The relatively limited examination resource can not meet the requirement of increasing applications. And the variety right strategic international layout was in lack. Therefore, relevant authorities should take further measures and solidify management.

Ma Shuping announced that in the light of the general idea of scientific approval, interests safeguarding, innovation stimulation and industry upgrading, in the coming years, the Ministry of Agriculture would improve relevant rules and regulations, encourage original breeding innovation and intensify infringement penalties to constantly adapt to the changing situation demands. The ministry will further enhance research and service, enlarge the protection range of new varieties of plants, improve the database of known crop varieties, perfect the resource database for standard and approximate varieties and provide technological support for the protection of breeder interests. Moreover, the agency will further strengthen administrative enforcement, raise enforcement level and efficiency and create fair and order competitive environment. In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture will also enhance publicity and training, improve the ability of seed industry in using, managing and protecting varieties, increase the protection awareness to new varieties of plants and influence and eventually make variety system become the “impeller” in importing foreign quality varieties
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