Trademark registrability searches

Before you apply to register your trademark, it is advisable to conduct a registrability search. As a minimum, the search should cover the records of registered trademarks and pending trademark applications maintained by the China Trademarks Office. The search objective is to assess the potential for consumer confusion of your trademark with existing trademarks. If desired, and subject to budgetary considerations, the search can be extended to cover various sources of information respecting unregistered trademarks, such as telephone or trade directories, corporate/trade name registries, etc.

Usually, we search databases which replicate both the records kept by the China Trademarks Office, and the records of corporate/trade names kept by the various provincial and federal incorporation authorities. In some cases, additional searching to better canvas unregistered trademarks may be recommended.
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E-mail: mail@justalen.com          京ICP备09085994号-2
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