Information required to prepare a trademark application

1.The full name and postal address of the party in whose name the trademark is to be registered (the "applicant"). If the applicant is a corporation, please specify the jurisdiction of incorporation;


2.Precisely what is the trademark that is to be registered? A single word; a hyphenated word; a phrase; a design; a combination of word(s) plus design; etc.? Once filed in the Trademarks Office, the trademark application cannot be amended to change the trademark, so it is vital to give us precise instructions at the outset;


3.Is the applicant the original owner of the trademark, or are its rights in the trademark derived from one or more predecessors? Please identify every predecessor, explain how each predecessor used the trademark, and explain how the applicant acquired the trademark rights from the predecessor(s);


4.Is the applicant the original owner of the trademark, or are its rights in the trademark derived from one or more predecessors? Please identify every predecessor, explain how each predecessor used the trademark, and explain how the applicant acquired the trademark rights from the predecessor(s);

Rm1907, Unit 2,Building NO.3,NO.1, BeiQing,ChangPing,Beijing 102206,P.R.China
Tel:86-10-62119266    Fax:86-10-62110146
E-mail: mail@justalen.com          京ICP备09085994号-2
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